Culture - three videos - group 2

Hi everyone, once you've watched the three videos, have a think about these questions: 

  • What is the difference between society and culture?
  • Do you agree with the 4 points about culture made in video 2? 
  • What kinds of things are different in different cultures? 
  • Do you think that developing intercultural competence requires a more ethnocentric or a more cultural relativist mindset? 
  • What problems can you see with these two standpoints? 

Post your answers here...


  1. Lea Rief, Pucher Fabian, Michael Rheinberger, Matthias Postl

    1. Society: organized group
    culture: rules they live by

    2. 4 points of video 1: agreed

    3. greetings, language, rules, food

    4. cultural relitivism, as more world open, open for new cultures

    5. Ethnocentric: not tolerant enough for other cultures
    cultural relativism: line has to be drawn at some point, not everything should be accepted (inhuman behavior)

  2. Society is the structure whereas culture guidelines and rules (the way of living and human ideas)
    We agree on it, because we are also living in a society with cultural rules which are evolving with the time.
    Behaviour, religion, tradion, language, food, education, parenthood
    A cultural relativist mindset
    Ethnocentric - could be understood racist and judgemental / Cultures could loose diversity, if everything is seen equal.

    (Remya, Carina, Sarah, Skoda)

  3. 1) Society: Structure that provide organization
    Culture: Rules for society (language, traditions, customs)

    2) Yes

    3) knowledge, language, traditions, believes, greetings, clothes, food

    4) It requires a more cultural relavistist mindset.

    5) Ethnocentric: more self-focused
    Cultural relavist:

  4. 1) Culture are the rules and guidelines that shape society. Society are the people and how they organize themselves in a certain area.
    2) We agree to all of the points.
    3) Behaviour in general, habits, language, religion, living with many relatives or not in the same household, personal relationships and how people treat each other, art and music (what the majority likes most), how nature is treated
    4) It is easier to develop intercultural competence with a more cultural relativist mindset, because it requires to think about other cultures.
    5) It might be difficult to get out of the thoughts of one's own culture.

  5. Group of Vroni, Alex, Ian and Sandra
    1. Society: group of people that provide structure
    Culture: ideas/things like labguage, values, believes passed from generation to generation

    2. we agree

    3. food, politics, rites, language, values, believes, religion, fashion
    4. Cultural relativism
    5. ethnocentric: very narrow worldview, barely new influences
    relativism: seeing every point of view as equal might be a problem with cultures that include human right violations and cruelty

  6. 1. Society: Group of people, belong to a culture
    Culture: rules
    2. Agree
    3. Meal, languages, religion, communication, ways they learn
    4. More of cultural relativist mindset
    5. Ethnocentric: self-focused, could developed aggression with other culture
    Cultural relativist mindset: not clear whats wrong or right

    Clio, Nicholas, Fabian, Konrad


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