Culture - three videos - group 1

 Hi everyone, once you've watched the three videos, have a think about these questions: 

  • What is the difference between society and culture?
  • Do you agree with the 4 points about culture made in video 2? 
  • What kinds of things are different in different cultures? 
  • Do you think that developing intercultural competence requires a more ethnocentric or a more cultural relativist mindset? 
  • What problems can you see with these two standpoints? 

Post your answers here..


  1. What is the difference between society and culture?
    A Society is a community of people, residing in a specific area, sharing common culture over time.
    Culture are Rules that guide the way people live in a society, culture differentiates one society from the other.

    Do you agree with the 4 points about culture made in video 2?
    What kinds of things are different in different cultures?
    Beliefs, values, language, food, and practices.

    Do you think that developing intercultural competence requires a more ethnocentric or a more cultural relativist mindset?
    Cultural relativist mindset is important for building intercultural competences.

    What problems can you see with these two standpoints?
    With the ethnocentric mindset you might get into the mindset of devalue other cultures and think yours is suppirioir.

    1. 4) relativist mindset followed by more open mindness for other cultures. They see each other as equals

      5) ethnocentric tend to be more stubborn


    2. 1) Society gives us structure, whereas the culture dictates the rules for a society. Culture is comparable to a software and a society is the needed hardware. For example: Every app in a software is a new culture and with every update we change -> with every generation the culture changes a little and adapts. Though, they both cannot function without one another!

      2) Yes we agree

      3) food, music, festivities, art, beliefs, behaviour

      4) relativist mindset followed by more open mindness for other cultures. They see each other as equals

      5) Problem ethnocentric mindset: people tend to be more stubborn
      Problem cultural relativist mindset: previous cultural ideas and values can be forgotten due to the constant adaptation

      - Veronika Fleischhart, George Bodea, Tausif Khan

    3. Veronika Fleischhart22 February 2021 at 07:37

      Extended information
      5)People wit a relativist mindset could have problems by forming longlasting relationships or friendships due to their search for new and interessting cultural aspects and by asking to much from their loved ones. It is followed by feeling lonely and not belonging anywhere

      -veronika Fleischhart, George Bodea, Tausif Khan

  2. Simon Haslinger, George Gourgi, Sara Lugmayr:
    What is the difference between society and culture?
    Society= social structure + frame conditions, culture= rules for social interactions

    Do you agree with the 4 points about culture made in video 2?
    culture is learned, shaped, transmitted = we agree, statement that society does not work without culture: not agreed

    What kinds of things are different in different cultures?
    Food, language, clothes, hygiene, furniture

    Do you think that developing intercultural competence requires a more ethnocentric or a more cultural relativist mindset?
    Cultural relativism

    What problems can you see with these two standpoints?
    Both standpoints are one-sided, ethnocentric might degrade other cultures; cultural relativism might not value the differences and appreciate the uniqueness

  3. Barbara Jilka, Anastasija Kikase, Nina Enter

    What is the difference between society and culture?
    Society is the structure and group of people.
    Culture is the way of life and the guidelines for the society.

    Do you agree with the 4 points about culture made in video 2?
    Yes, we agree.

    What kinds of things are different in different cultures?
    Knowledge, beliefs, values, behaviours (f.e. greetings, food, …)

    Do you think that developing intercultural competence requires a more ethnocentric or a more cultural relativist mindset?
    It requires a more cultural relativist mindset.

    What problems can you see with these two standpoints?
    Ethnocentric: not tolerant for other cultures, think that your own culture is the best.
    Cultural relativist: not every culture should be accepted (no legal)

  4. Robin, Shabnam, Firas

    1) Culture: the guidelines how the society lives
    2) Aggree
    3) Food and so on ...... especially how to do things and how to think about them
    4) cultural relativist mindset !
    5) ethnocentric: to focused on the own culture, cultural relativist mindset: maybe dont forget about the bad things- so a comparison with the own culture may be good

  5. Daud, Mohammad, Mujanovic

    1) What is the difference between society and culture?
    Society is the structure in which a group of people live together. Culture provides the rules and guidelines.

    2) Do you agree with the 4 points about culture made in video 2?
    People share culture in society – No, people can live in one society but have different or mixed cultures.
    Culture is adaptive – Yes, but society is adaptive as well (might be slower than culture).
    Culture builds on itself – Yes.
    Culture is transmitted – Yes.

    3) What kinds of things are different in different cultures?
    Artwork, language, literature, traditions, worldview, values

    4) Do you think that developing intercultural competence requires a more ethnocentric or a more cultural relativist mindset?
    Cultural relativist mindset.

    5) What problems can you see with these two standpoints?
    Ethnocentric viewpoint – People think their own culture is superior and reject other cultures without getting to know them.
    Cultural relativist mindset – Own cultural values could get lost. Might overlook ethically questionable parts of culture (violations of human rights, racism, …) and accept them.

  6. What is the difference between society and culture?
    Society can be described as a group of people that live together and are connected to one another. It is the base for culture, which is the way that people live within the society. One cannot exist without the other.

    What kinds of things are different in different cultures?
    Language, Habits, Food, Greetings, Clothes, Living space, Gender roles

    Do you think that developing intercultural competence requires a more ethnocentric or a more cultural relativist mindset? What problems can you see with these two standpoints?
    We think that in order to develop intercultural competences it is necessary to have a relativist mindset. After all, it is impossible to learn about a new culture without trying to understand it. But it should be said, that this does not mean that one has to agree with the things that are part of another culture.

    Johannes Büchele, Philipp Kucera & Kira Glendinning


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