Cultural intelligence group 1

 Hi everyone,

Please post here about the cultural intelligence video.

Watch Julia Middleton’s talk on Cultural intelligence and answer these questions:

  • What is the core – what is the flex?
  • What are “knots” in your core?
  • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
  • What are you core about?
  • What are you flex about?


  1. Core are the unchangeable parts of yourself without which you are not you.

    Flex are the parts of you that you are willing to change at will.

    Knots are things in your core that are based on prejudgment which you should work on by either moving them into your flex or by at least not making them other people’s problem.

    Its crucial to understand you own culture to be able to develop cultural intelligence.

    I am core about my basic philosophical ideas.

    I am flex about general things like humor, jargon and dress code.

    1. What is the core – what is the flex?
      The core describe you in your purest way. It defines you in your alues, beliefs and other characteristics, which you are not flexible on normally.

      What are “knots” in your core?
      Those are parts of your core, which are based on prejudices and which you are not proud of.

      What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
      You gotta get to know your culture first, in order to then understand differences and similarities to other cultures. Also you need to be open minded and acquire a certain intelect to identify and see differences.

      What are you core about?
      intelect, logic, rational desicions

      What are you flex about?
      language, food, everyday life and new experiences

  2. What is the core – what is the flex?
    The core include the parts without you wouldn`t be yourself. These parts include your values, beliefs and other characteristics of yourself that you aren`t flexible about.
    The flex include all other parts which you can be flexible with. These parts include views than can be compromised or adapted.

    What are “knots” in your core?
    Forming prejudices before knowing the person/situation.

    What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    It`s crucial to understand your own culture first. After that, you can start to understand other cultures.

    What are you core about?
    Future-oriented and positive thinking.

    What are you flex about?
    Adapting to new systems and life situations.

    1. • What is the core – what is the flex?
      Core: behaviours, values, beliefs, … without them you aren’t you
      Flex: everything else; the things you are flexible about.
      Things that we adapt to differing circumstances, what makes us individuals

      • What are “knots” in your core?
      Bits in the core you aren’t proud of; based on prejudgement; deep inside you; either move to flex; Biases, preconceived notions

      • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
      If you decide to reveal thing to someone else – paradox – you would only reveal when you have the feeling the other person has enough IQ to receive it;
      Deep interest in other human beings;
      Understanding other peoples cultures; Understand your own culture;

      • What are you core about?
      Trust, family, being left-handed,

      • What are you flex about?
      Language, food, clothes, new experiences,

  3. Veronika Fleischhart23 February 2021 at 02:33

    • What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core are attributes which makes you yourself and which can not be changed without changing your whole self and probably putting you into a crisis.
    Flex on the other hand are thinks which can be changed more easily and which are adapted to the specific situation.
    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Knots are prejustice statements which lead to difficulties and should be moved to the flex part if in anyway possible.
    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    Understand and accept your own culture.
    • What are you core about?
    My political standpoint.
    • What are you flex about?
    New cultural experiences, language

  4. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core is everything which absolutely identifies you and can not be changed
    Flex is everything that you are willing to change and be flexible about.

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    They are based of prejudgement. They can be moved to the flex if wanted but they can also remain in ones core for the rest of their life.

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    Cultural intelligence can only be acquired if both parties communicate openly. One should not judge the other person based on their own benchmarks.

    • What are you core about?
    I am core about my morals

    • What are you flex about?
    I am flex about food, music, new experiences,

  5. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core = Behaviours, values and beliefs that are absolutely crucial and without them you aren’t you
    Flex = Everything else besides the core

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Things in your core that you aren’t proud of that are based on prejudgment

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    You only really develop cultural intelligence if you reveal things to other people. Also, you first need to understand your own culture.

    • What are you core about?
    Positive thinking, basic morals

    • What are you flex about?
    Clothing, Food, communication

  6. Melanie Jungwirth24 February 2021 at 02:45

    • What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core: Parts of you that are crucial and without them you would not be yourself. Behaviours, values, beliefs you are inflexible about.
    Flex: About everything else you are flexible about
    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Parts that are judgemental
    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    To understand your own culture and when it helps or hinders you.
    • What are you core about?
    morals, good-naturedness, realist, living conditions
    • What are you flex about?
    clothes, food, language, religion

  7. What is the core – what is the flex?
    When talking about the core, characteristics like our behaviours, our values, our beliefs, etc. define us as individuals, meaning that without these bits, an individual is not who he/she is. The flex is more or less a characteristic, that shows other individuals your degree of flexibility when talking about certain core characteristics. To put it in other words, the more flexible you are on certain core bits, the more people will trust and like you.

    What are “knots” in your core?
    Knots are core characteristics, that we usually are not proud of. They are not based on judgement but rather on pre-judgment. We should try to work on them or try to move them to our flex-zone. If none of those 2 solutions work, we should try to make them our problem and not somebody else’s.

    What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    Cultural intelligence can only develop in an individual, if he/she decides to give it to somebody else, as only then the person sitting in front of us will figure things out about us. Unfortunately, a certain paradox will only allow us to reveal things to others when the mentioned others show enough cultural intelligence to receive them.
    Further, most people think that cultural intelligence comes from understanding other people’s cultures, but the most difficult culture to understand is ours. We have to understand, when it helps us, when it hinders us, when it gives us knots, etc. Only if we first understand our own culture, we will acquire cultural intelligence.

    What are you core about?
    My friends and I would agree unanimously that my behavioural treats (especially being nice, friendly and helpful) and my values would define me best. Of course I have my own knots in my core that I have to deal with, but I try not bother anyone else with these knots.

    What are you flex about?
    I would consider myself to have a high degree of flexibility as I try to understand and accept core characteristics of others, such as certain values, beliefs, preferences, etc. It does not mean, that I can cope with them 100% of the time, but I give my best as I want to be in a friendly and peaceful coexistence with my environment.

  8. 1. What is the core – what is the flex?
    The core consists of parts that are not changeable, characteristics, values, behaviour that define us, inflexible.
    The flex can vary and consists of everything else.
    2. What are “knots” in your core?
    Knots are part of the core that are pre-judgemental.
    3. What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    To understand your own culture as well as when it hinders or helps you.
    4. What are you core about?
    Morals, my family as well as my responsibility towards my horse, good living conditions
    5. What are you flex about?
    Different opinions, food, religion

  9. Core = a person’s behaviours, values and belief that they won´t change, a crucial part of the persons identity
    Flex = a portion of a person’s identity they are willing to change

    Knots = things that one is not proud of and should work on or be moved into the flex zone

    Cultural intelligence starts with cultural awareness. It is important to study your own culture before you can understand other cultures.

    I am core about fairness.

    I am flex about diet, hobbies, beauty.

  10. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    The core is who YOU are. Your behaviour, values, beliefs (bits) that define you. You are inflexible about them. Your flex is everything else. Your ability to adapt to other customs.

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Bits in your core that you are not proud of. They are not based on judgement; they are based on pre-judgment. Knots can be worked on moved to the flex.

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    You, understanding your own culture. Cultural intelligence is deep rooted in an interest for another human being. You have to untie your knots and not judge other people based on your core.

    • What are you core about?
    My values and moral.

    • What are you flex about?
    The way I dress. Other cultural customs in general.

  11. What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core are values, behaviors and beliefs that define a person and are so crucial to a person that they would not be themselves without them. Core are inflexible values and the more inflexible they are the more people trust one. Flex is everything else and should be as flexible as possible in order to gain people’s trust.

    What are “knots” in your core?
    Pre-judgement based bits in our core that we are not proud of. Once found they can either be moved into one’s flex or should not be made the problem of others.

    What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    People have to share cultural intelligence with each other. People have to be interested in one another and have to understand that judging other people’s core values won’t do any good.

    What are you core about?
    Moral aspects, having a positive outlook on life

    What are you flex about?
    Food, music, clothing

  12. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    The core is people’s behaviours, their values, and their beliefs – everything that people got in them, the bits that make people themselves. It is what people are incredibly inflexible about, so the more inflexible people are about them, the more other people trust them, which makes sense, because it means sticking to your principles and being true to yourself.
    The flex is everything else, meaning the things that you can compromise on with other people, which can still be very different for different people – just because I may be flexible about other people’s beliefs on religion doesn’t mean they are as tolerant. With the flex, it is the opposite as with the core: the more flexible you are about that, the more people trust you.

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    The knots in your core are the little bits that you are not very proud of. They are not based on judgement, but on prejudgement. You can either move them to your flex, or – if you absolutely can’t because they are so deep inside you – then at least you need to make them your problem and not anybody else’s.

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    To really understand your own culture – understand when it helps you and understand when it hinders you, when it opens things up for you and when it closes them down, when it causes other people’s problems, when it gives you knots and when it makes you miss opportunities.

    • What are you core about?
    My morals and ethics (like trying to be a good and caring human being), to be there for my loved ones when they need me, equal rights for everybody, getting treated equally and with respect, and I have zero tolerance for racism and discrimination.

    • What are you flex about?
    About other people’s believes as long as they are tolerant about what others believe and don’t force their views on them, other cultures and religion (again, if they are respectful towards others and don’t force it on others, especially children).

  13. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core – the parts of you (values, beliefs, behaviours) that absolutely define and without them you would not be you.
    Flex – everything else; the parts of you, you are willing to change

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Parts of you that are based on prejudgement – something you are not proud of

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    To acquire CQ one must reveal parts of themselves to others but paradoxically one would only reveal as much as one perceives the other to have CQ to accept those revealed parts.
    CQ is not gained by understanding other cultures, it is gained by understanding ones own culture, as it is the most difficult to understand. We must analyse which parts of our own culture aids or hinders us.

    • What are you core about?
    Religion, morals, clothes

    • What are you flex about?
    Interests, opinions

  14. Elisabeth Pottendorfer1 March 2021 at 00:21

    • What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core: the parts of our behavior, beliefs, knowledge, values… we cannot and do not want to change
    Flex: the parts of our behavior, beliefs, knowledge, values… we are more flexible about

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Knots in our core can for example be prejudices.

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    In order to acquire cultural intelligence, it is crucial to show an interest in people without having any prejudice against them.

    • What are you core about?
    I am core about the rights and privileges I have in my country as well as my moral point of view.

    • What are you flex about?
    I am flex about different cultures, languages and new experiences

  15. What is the core – what is the flex?
    core-> parts of our personality we cannot and dont want to change
    felx-> parts of our personality we are willing to change

    What are “knots” in your core?
    Things in our core that we aren’t proud of and are based on prejudices for examples

    What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    showing interest in people without having any prejudice against them

    What are you core about?
    i am core about my political views and moral standpoint. Furthermore i am core about my love for nature

    What are you flex about?
    i am flex about everything else

  16. What is core/What is flex?
    Core: Behaviour patterns we stick to and remain the same anywhere we are; values beliefs,...
    Flex: aspects about us, which are flexible and that we adapt to certain circumstances; can be changed easily

    What are knots in your core?
    Knots are specific biased statements/judgements of the core which we are not proud of and which should be shifted to flex

    What is crucial to unterstand to aquire cultural intelligence?
    To aquire cultural intelligence you first have to unterstand your own culture and also open up about it to other people. You also have to show interset in other peoples culture without prejudice

    What a you core about?
    values, morals, behaviour (respect, tolerance, ...)

    What are you flex about?
    clothing, food, different opinions, hobbies, music,...


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