Group 1 - the seven dimensions

While reading, take notes on what is similar to Hofstede's model, and what it adds. Write a few sentences for the blog about what you found. 


  1. Tausif, Lukas, Ben

    - 7 dimensions doesn't include femininity / masculinity
    - 7 dimensions focuses more on individuals and small groups, while Hofstede's considers the whole population
    - Hofstede's model is more complex and specific

  2. Room 7: Marcus Klamecker, Shabnam Hejazi, Umar Mohammad

    Similar to Hosfstede:

    Universalism vs particularlism is a bit similar to uncertainty avoidance.
    Individualism vs communitarianism is similar to individualism vs collectivism.
    Neutral vs emotional is a bit similar to indulgence vs restraint, but Neutral vs emotional is more specific.
    Achievement vs ascription has similarities to power distance.

    Sequential vs synchronous time is similar to mono- and polychronic, but there are no similarities to Hosfstede.

    Internal vs outer direction
    Specific vs diffuse

  3. Group: George Gourgi, Philip Liedl, Kira Glendinning

    Universalism Versus Particularism + Individualism vs Collectivism
    Neutral Versus Emotional + Masculinity and Femininity

    Power distance is not represented in the “The Seven Dimensions of Culture”-Model.

    The concepts are similar but take on slightly different viewpoints. The “The Seven Dimensions of Culture” is more focussed on the individuum whilst the “Hofstede's 6-D model” also takes on aspects from the outside.

  4. In general the two models are very similiar because they describe both the characteristics of a society. There are always two extremes which are depending on relative scores of different nations/societies.
    For example Individualism vs Communitarianism and Individualism vs Collectivism are compareable.
    The 5 dimensions of Hofstede do not focus on the people`s emotions compared to the 7 dimensions of Culture.
    Hofstede’s dimension of uncertainty avoidance can be found in the seventh dimension, as to how people relate to their environment.

    Barbara Jilka, George Bodea, Nina Enter

  5. Melanie Jungwirth16 March 2021 at 04:55

    What is similar to Hofstede's model
    • Universalism Versus Particularism --> Indulgance vs. restraint
    • Individualism Versus Communitarianism --> Individualism vs Collectivism
    • Neutral Versus Emotional & Universalism Versus Particularism --> partly Masculinity vs Femininity
    • Achievement Versus Ascription --> partly Power distance
    What it adds
    • More about the individual than the whole culture
    • Internal Direction Versus Outer Direction
    • Sequential Time Versus Synchronous Time --> more about time management than long-term orientation

    1. Melanie Jungwirth16 March 2021 at 04:56

      Jungwirth Melanie, Lugmayr Sara, Kaziz Firas-Ferdinand

  6. Room 6 – Simon Hasinger, Johannes Büchele, Sarah Daud
    1. Universalism Versus Particularism: is implied in Hofstede model, but not specified and therefore adds a dimension and considers relationships
    2. Individualism Versus Communitarianism: same in Hofstede model
    3. Specific Versus Diffuse: is new
    4. Neutral Versus Emotional: implied a little in Masculinity, better explained in this model
    5. Achievement Versus Ascription: new
    6. Sequential Time Versus Synchronous Time: new
    7. Internal Direction Versus Outer Direction: new
    This model focuses more on identity, interpersonal relationships, daily interactions and is more specific. The Hofstede model focuses more on the culture as a whole, the seven dimensions model focuses more on an individual and their perspective in a certain culture.

  7. Veronika Fleischhart16 March 2021 at 04:59

    Group: Robin Müksch, Lejla Mujanovic, Veronika Fleischhart

    I think our comment disaperaed:
    So Four, Five and seven are new including feelings and personality, while the others are simmiliar especially time concepts


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