Cultural intelligence group 2

 Hi everyone,

Please post here about the cultural intelligence video.


  1. Watch Julia Middleton’s talk on Cultural intelligence and answer these questions:
     What is the core – what is the flex?
     What are “knots” in your core?
     What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
     What are you core about?
     What are you flex about?

    1. 1) What is the core – what is the flex?
      Your core: behavior, values, beliefs that make you yourself, you are inflexible about them
      Your flex: everything else than the core

      2) What are “knots” in your core?
      Little bits in our core that we aren’t proud of, based on (pre)judgement; everyone has them; you can work on them and move them to your flex

      3) What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
      To have a deep interest in other human beings and not judge them based on yourself as a benchmark; to flex;

      4) What are you core about?
      my core values: trying not to judge people; believe in everyone; try to see the positive side in everything; staying true to myself

      5) What are you flex about?
      Religion, clothes, music, food, education, lifestyle in general

      Lejla Mujanovic

  2. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    Cores are the values, beliefs and behaviour that are incredibly important to a person what characterises the person. The person is inflexible about them.
    Flex means everything else that the person is ready to compromise or be flexible about.
    • What are “knots” in your core?
    My optimism, emotional resilience, politics
    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    It is crucial to understand your own culture. We need an understanding when it helps and hinders you. Your own culture can open things up for you or close them down.
    By the understanding your own culture, you are able to put yourself with people from different cultures. I strongly believe that is important to be aware of your own biases towards other cultures and traditions which might have positive impacts on your CQ.
    • What are you core about?
    I am core about to fight for my dreams, my happiness and my family no matter what.
    • What are you flex about?
    Learning new religions, adapting to new systems language barrier

  3. 1. The core is all the charachteristics that you cannot change in yourself. Flex is your views and features that you can adapt for people who are around you.

    2. The knots are negative charachteristics which you do not like.

    3. It is crucial not to understand the culture itself, but to make your flex wider, so you can tolerate different cultures and adopt your qualities to them.

    4. I am core about work, I do not understand people who do not like working. I am also quite core about how people look and their manners.

    5. I am flexible in activities (sport, parties, movies), humor, religion and politics. And also food. I don´t mind trying fried insects or boiled bats.

  4. Core = a person’s behaviours, values and belief that they won´t change, a crucial part of the persons identity
    Flex = a portion of a person’s identity they are willing to change

    Knots = things that one is not proud of and should work on or be moved into the flex zone

    Cultural intelligence starts with cultural awareness. It is important to study your own culture before you can understand other cultures.

    I am core about fairness.

    I am flex about diet, hobbies, beauty.

  5. 1. What is the core – what is the flex?
    2. What are “knots” in your core?
    3. What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    4. What are you core about?
    5. What are you flex about?

    1) The “core” refers to properties/features concerning thoughts, behaviors, values, emotions, beliefs, even hairstyle or clothing… that define a person. E.g. a punk: the clothes are most probably a “core” feature for people not knowing the punk. As for the punk him/her-self, it really depends on the individual. If those change, you will be recognized (utterly) different(ly). Probably changes rarely over a longer time-span of several years, after being in another environment more often.
    The “flex” refers to less important properties that could regularly be changed without a mental challenge. Comparing to the “core”, changing such properties probably either take a long period of time and probably are not noticed or are regarded as a huge challenge, if confronted directly. Always depends on the individual though, how difficult such a change might be.
    2) Properties/features you are not proud of (because you think that others might dislike it/find it silly/…) --> prejudgement. One generally tries to address those problems if there is at least a little motivation.
    3) To break the paradox that one only reveals certain data to somebody if this person has enough cultural intelligence. But to enhance cultural intelligence you need to communicate.
    One shall not use oneself as a benchmark and communicate with others, independent of how much cultural intelligence they might have. Understanding one’s own culture and the culture of others. Being aware of one’s own cores/flexes. And on the one hand being self-critical and on the other hand not taking everything too seriously might help reach a decent level of cultural intelligence. The same goes for accepting help and easily being able to thank somebody or really express to be sorry by saying so.
    4) My time management, it would be quite hard for me to change that. Beliefs about healthcare, valuing healthcare and fitness. Beliefs about valuing social contacting. Hairstyle to a certain degree, should be short due to certain obvious advantages. But I would not mind trying something out. Hairstyle is right there between core and flex.
    5) Products for healthcare used (there have to be some, but which is not important as long as they have a certain quality, which does not have to be high).

  6. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    core = everything which defines a person, which is not easily changeable due to major contribution to one’s existence and being
    flex = things which are adaptable

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    things one is not proud about, should ideally be moved to the flex

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    understanding one’s own culture

    • What are you core about?
    I am core about my morals.

    • What are you flex about?
    I am flex about diet, culture, music, …

  7. 1.) What is the core – what is the flex?
    The core is made up by the values, beliefs, and behaviours, that define your character. It´s the inner ´core´ of the personality, thus these characteristics are quite constant/invariable. The flex is composed of beliefs/values/behaviours, that you are flexible about – these things do not characterize your person and are therefore more alterable and shiftable.

    2.) What are “knots” in your core?
    Knots are negative features of your core-character, which rely on prejudgements. They can be discovered through ´testing´ your core (e.g., meeting different people/cultures…). If possible, it´s better to cut the knots, or move them to the flex.

    3.) What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    It´s crucial to analyse your own culture, it´s benefits and it´s downsides. Additionally, revealing and receiving cultural information, and regarding those with a deep interest in the human being, is very important. This enables you to process the information from a non-judgmental point of view and regard the person´s culture without applying your own culture´s benchmarks.

    4.) What are you core about?
    My morals, ideology, sense of cleanliness/hygiene, aesthetic sensitivity

    5.) What are you flex about?
    Lifestyles, religion, traditions, music, clothing, languages, hobbies

  8. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    The “core” represents all thoughts, behaviors, values, emotions, beliefs of a persons, that can’t be changed easily. Without these, an individual is not who he/she is. The “flex” represents less important properties, so a person is more flexible and open to change them.

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Knots are characteristics in our core, that we usually are not proud of. Therefore, we should work on them and at least try to move them to our flex. One of my “knots” I currently try to move is the expectation of our society to have your life “in control” at a certain age.

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    The most important is to understand your own culture – whenever it helps and hinders you; if it opens up or closes things for you; when it causes other people’s problems; when it gives you knots; and when it misses you opportunities.

    • What are you core about?
    I am core about working hard to achieve my goals. Also, the awareness of health (e.g. regular medical checkups) and a healthy and active lifestyle is in my core, as well as my west-styrian dialect.

    • What are you flex about?
    I am flex about the place of residence for example, or clothing, culture, music,..

  9. o The core are the characteristics and the behaviour of a person, which is crucial for their identity. It is what a person wouldn´t or couldn´t change about themselves.
    o The flex are things where people adapt or change in every now and then.
    o Knots are components in a person’s core, which are hard or even impossible to change. These can be stereotypes or opinions which a person can´t get rid of.
    o To understand cultural intelligence, one must be aware of the borders and boundaries of one´s own culture. To acquire it, you must overcome these borders and let people of different cultures reveal parts of their culture to you.
    o I am core about being punctual, trying not to judge people before I get to know them and certain eating behaviours (vegetarian).
    o I am flex about adapting to the language style (pronunciation, vocabulary) of people I spent a lot of time with, hobbies, clothing and music.

  10. What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core: characteristics of behaviors, values, believes, crucial about yourself/identity
    Flex: Everything else, flexible to change, not characterizing the person

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Something, you are not proud of, “dark sides”. Should be moved into flex.

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    To want to understand you own culture.

    • What are you core about?
    I am core about my morals, manners, lifestyle.

    • What are you flex about?
    Music, religion, clothing.

  11. Sandra Payyappilly28 February 2021 at 09:39

    • What is the core – what is the flex?
    The core are the behaviour, values and beliefs which shape and are crucial for the identity of a human being. Most people are inflexible about their core. The flex are the properties and features a person is willing to change or adapt to a certain cultural environment.

    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Knots are properties that a person is not proud of and which is based on judgement and prejudgement. If it is possible a person should work on these “knots” or try to move them to the flex.

    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    Cultural intelligence lies between the core and the flex. It moves and changes depending on the new experiences a human being makes. In order to acquire cultural intelligence, one should analyse the own culture. Moreover, one should be open-minded and interested in other persons and their cultures (don’t judge based on one’s own benchmarks).

    • What are you core about?
    I’m core about my morals and health (physically and mentally).

    • What are you flex about?
    I’m flexible about clothing, hobbies, languages and food.

  12. 1) The core is something, values, ideas etc, that you are unwilling to compromise on. The flex is beliefs, behaviour etc, that you are willing to be flexible about i.e clothes (as mentioned in the video)

    2) Knots a for example prejudices you have. Hangups in your core that lead you to being inflexible towards another culture or aspect of that culture.

    3) It is necessary to be interested in other human beings, their way of life and behaviour that might differ from your own. It is also necessary to understand that you shouldn’t measure other cultures by using your own as a benchmark.

    4) Mostly values. The values I have I am unwilling to compromise on usually. I expect myself to act according to those values, even if I do not like it or the outcome of the situation is not to my benefit.

    5) I am flex about most other things, religion, clothes etc. As long as anything doesn’t infringe on the intrinsic values that I am core about, I am willing to be flexible about it.

  13. • What is the core – what is the flex?
    Core: behaviour, values and believes (things that are important to you which define you); core things can hardly be changed
    Flex: are thing you are able to adapt
    • What are “knots” in your core?
    Things you´re not proud of in your core based on prejudgement; you can work on your knots to move them to your flex or keep the problem just with you
    • What is crucial to understand to acquire cultural intelligence?
    You have to understand your own culture first, when does it help you and when does it hinder you.
    • What are you core about?
    Morals, a healthy lifestyle, political standpoint, my home in the Waldviertel
    • What are you flex about?
    Opinion on food, people, different products, cultures, music…

  14. Michael Rheinberger2 March 2021 at 09:32

    1: Core are the things that define who you are, your ideals, the things that you are inflexible about as you would not be you without them. Flex are the things that you can be flexible about without losing your identity.

    2: Knots are the bits in your core you are not proud of and are often based on pre-judgement. These should be addressed, which often moves them from core to flex.

    3: It is crucial to understand that things that are flex for you (the example given was clothing) might be core to other people and their culture and that your culture is not a benchmark other cultes are measured against.

    4: Values like respect, fairness, and looking at things on an absolut scale instead of a personal one.

    5: Things that do not compromise my core like clothing, behaviour, or religion.


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